California & The Push For 100% Green Energy

Jake S
4 min readMay 19, 2018
California has led the way for Green Energy with bold new initiatives and innovative ideas shaping the country and world.

As the artificial deadline for 100% renewable energy by 2050–2060 approaches, states are taking it into their own hands to reach the goal for the greater climate and a future for all. If the current administration won’t take the threat of climate change seriously, states like California will.

And when California said they were taking the threat of climate change seriously, they weren’t joking. California has mandated that all new houses built after 2020 will now be required to have solar panels, a bold new initiative for the state.

This new policy shows the future for green energy and how we can achieve goals. Instead of just saying we should transition to green energy, lets actually do something and lets get it done before it is too late. Instead of the government reacting, lets have the government pro act.

This new California policy should be the stepping stone to achieve a greater, greener future. And it will actually save homeowners money. When Calfifornia lawmakers were deiciding whether to sign this into law, they looked at a report. The report stated this new policy would add $8,000-$10,000 to the price of a house which would increase an average mortgage by $40 a month. But, it would save homeowners $80 per month in utility bills and would let homeowners produce their own green energy. So homeowners on average would actually save $40 per month.

Now many will call this rule ‘communist’, ‘socialist’, and the idea of the ‘nanny state’. Why does the government have to tell me what to do? But is it communist for the government to tell you to wear your seatbelt, not to text and drive, not to drink and drive, to wear your helmet, and not to put your one year old child in the front seat of your car?

The fact is that climate change is one of the greatest threats towards humanity and our future. People don’t seem to care. The free market is not adjusting to the threat ahead. So the government has to step in and stimulate the green energy business.

Even some Conservatives are beginning to support government intervention in the green energy business. Former Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly echoed his support for green energy in a Fox News Talking Points piece titled “Climate Change Chaos” and stated, “Human beings are harming the earth. And some corporations pollute to make money. They have to be held to account. Reasonable clean air and water standards should be imposed by the feds……The feds should encourage alternative energy by granting tax breaks to responsible companies developing those areas. We support Tesla and electric cars in general. We like solar and wind power to be affordable.”

The green energy business is booming in California due to tax credits and other government built in incentives for going green.

A new report shows California may reach 50% renewable energy by 2020, ten years earlier from their target of 2030. This is providing tens of thousands of new, good, clean jobs that will help grow new sectors and grow the economy as well. Green jobs are even outnumbering fossil fuel jobs nationwide. And these new policies and regulations are not harming California’s economy. California recently passed the UK’s economy and is now the 5th largest economy in the entire world!

Instead of concrete covering cars in parking lots, solar panels are doing the job in California parking lots.

California is producing so much solar energy one said, “If they don’t need it but we need to get rid of it, then we might have to actually pay them to take it.” They are even paying other states to take it, making the price of green energy fall even lower.

State mandates can help us achieve our goal without the help of the federal government and the EPA.

By California mandating solar panels, the goal to 100% green energy has gotten more realistic and faster than possible. If we want to achieve our green energy goal, this is something all lawmakers should look it.

But this is just the beginning. Countries can begin mandating fuel efficient and green cars by telling car manufacturers that all new cars produced after a certain year must be green. For example, China is aiming to put electric car only rules out and capping carbon emissions. Plus many European countries are looking by about 2040 to phase out gasoline powered vehicles. Even India is beginning to phase out gasoline powered vehicles with goals by 2040–2050.

Counties in the United States are also beginning to tax plastic bags which can help reduce the horrible effects they have on our animals and the environment. Plus Americans will rely on their own reusable bags, helping the environment and encouraging the American spirit of ‘independence’.

The threat of climate change is real and it will only be getting worse each and every year. It is time for the country and the current administration to have a real and honest discussion about green energy. New ideas need to be put forth and quick changes need to take place. It is time for the country to put forth a true plan to 100% renewable energy as well as all the countries of the world, because America can not just do it alone. Allow climate change to be the issue that unites us, not divides us.

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